Sunday 26 March 2017

Economics Annual Grand Dinner at Duyong & Marina Resort


Last Friday aku attend dinner course aku where it was organized by second year students. The main purpose of the dinner is to welcome the first year economics students and to celebrate final year students before graduating. So I would like to give a big thanks to second year students for their effort even there are some serious issues occur during the event. Hope you guys take them as a serious lesson in the future. Bab makan aku tak kisah sangat, tapi yang menyedihkan lighting sangat hambar. Maybe sebab kedudukan lampu yang sangat tinggi membawa kepada pencahayaan yang kurang memberangsangkan. Semua gambar terpaksa brighten. By the way I love the night view around Duyong & Marina Resort!!

All of these stuffs are not mine. Ni semua housemate aku punya. Rasa macam nak collect this kind of stuffs but when I got my monthly salary.

Taraa!!! Lots of love giving to mak andam for making me looks so gorgeous at that night. Most of my friends got stunned at me because I has never been put a heavy make up before. Usually aku letak foundation, loose powder and lipstick. Tapi untuk event ni I am wearing fake eye lashes, blusher and contouring my face. So nampaklah lebih berseri.

Most ladies will find the best angle for looking beautiful. Do like me lah!!!

As I said before I fall in love with the night view around Duyong Marina & Resort. Hey guys FYI kawan-kawan aku bukan setakat puji make up aku, tapi do my attire. Sebelum ni aku gi kelas pakai t-shirt, seluar slack, sneakers and bawal. But for this night I am totally changed my attire. Shawl and high heels housemate aku sponsor. Skirt and blouse tu aku beli sendiri. Ramai orang puji macam ahli korporat. Masin mulut korang mana nak tahu suatu hari nanti dapat bekerja dengan korporat. Hihi.

Final Year Economics Students!!!